[embedplusvideo height=”356″ width=”427″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1n5vLRW” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/Bd5UsDGlqnE?fs=1&vq=hd720″ vars=”ytid=Bd5UsDGlqnE&width=427&height=356&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=1&react=0&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep1366″ /]

Ταυτότητα ομιλίας

Γεωχημικές κατανομές μετάλλων σε διαγενετικώς ενεργά, πλούσια σε σιδηροπυρίτη ιζήματα λιμνοθάλασσας – Fractionation of metals in diagenetically active, pyrite – bearing lagoon sediments

Botsou F.

Ερευνώντας το Υδάτινο Σύστημα

Μεταβατικά ύδατα, εκβολικά συστήματα, μορφοδυναμική των ακτών


10ο Πανελλήνιο Συμπόσιο Ωκεανογραφίας & Αλιείας
07/05/12 – 11/05/12
Ίδρυμα Ευγενίδου, Αθήνα

Σύλλογος εργαζομένων του Ελληνικού Κέντρου Θαλασσίων Ερευνών

Λέξεις κλειδιά:
sequential extractions, framboidal pyrite, degrees of pyritization

Botsou F., Godelitsas A., Kaya K., Paraskevopoulou B. and Scoullos M.

The fractionation of Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn was determined in selected core sediment samples obtained from a coastal lagoon located at Corfu Island, by means of sequential extraction schemes. Post depositional diagenetic processes, resulting in the formation of framboidal pyrite (revealed by powder-XRD and SEM-EDS) were found to significantly change metal –solid phase associations with depth. In most cases, the oxidizable fraction displayed a downcore increasing trend at the expense of the reducible fraction, implying that metals were released from Fe/Mn oxyhydroxides and transferred to the sulfide phase. Similarly, the Degrees Of Pyritization of Fe (DOP) and trace metals (DTMP) were higher at deeper strata of sediments than at the near-surface ones. High values of DOP (86%), moderate DTMP values for Cu (60%) and Mn (42%), and low DTMP values for Zn (15%) in the deep sediment sample indicate that even when pyritization is favourable, the presence of competing binding phases for Mn, Cu, and Zn may inhibit their incorporation to pyrite.
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[embedplusvideo height="356" width="427" editlink="http://bit.ly/1n5vLRW" standard="http://www.youtube.com/v/Bd5UsDGlqnE?fs=1&vq=hd720" vars="ytid=Bd5UsDGlqnE&width=427&height=356&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=1&react=0&chapters=&notes=" id="ep1366" /] ΤΑΥΤΟΤΗΤΑ ΟΜΙΛΙΑΣ Τίτλος: